THE meaning of metaphor is to compare two things that are unlike . An example of a metaphor is "When butterflies renounce their dreams,
I shall but drink the more!" This means that when the butterflies choose to give up on life and the dreams that they hold for their
future that I would take another drink and give up on my dreams as well, "You are a tulip seen to-day" means that today your different
from what people usually see "you" as and that today "you" are different and "you" have changed in the eyes of the people who thought
"you" wouldn't change.
An example of a metaphor which is found in the poem "The Forces That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower"
by Dylan Thomas is "drives my green; that blasts the roots of my trees" is a clear metaphor because it compares
two things that are unlike. The two things that are compared in this line are plants compared to "me" how its
small and then it starts to grow up and become stronger and able to hold itself from falling down.
Another example of a metaphor is from "A Meditation for his Mistress" by Robert Herrick. One example is "you" are a lovely July-flower"
in this he compare "her" to a flower in the mid summer month of July and how fresh looking and outstanding she looks. Another example from
this poem is "You are the queen all flowers among" which is comparing a queen to a plant that rare and that is held to a higher standard
than the other plants due to the type or flower it is and the rarity that the person has in the area or surrounding they are in.
Example of a metaphor from the poem "A Book" by
Emily Dickinson is "There is no frigate like a book"
this compares two things that are a book to a frigate. This metaphor show that a book is like a frigate and it can take use to all the
places that it is intended to take us to. Elysium is as far as to The very nearest room,this is comparing lighting hitting as far as it
would the nearest house that's under the lighting.
These metaphors are used in the poems to bring unlikely things to life and give them meaning.
All three poets Dylan Thomas, Robert Herrick and
Emily Dickinson used metaphors to open the readers
mind in a different way to show that there are certain things we can say or do to bring something to life. An to see things
more clearly they did many poems that was base only on metaphors to show in depth how the poet can bring something non living to living.
The poem by Cummings means one. It shows how your alone by yourself how there's no
one but you alone you stand and alone you live. This poem to me explains how there is only one soul body and how we need to work together
an example of this poem is the Father,Son and Holy Ghost all three different people but they all work together as one and there all are
seen together as one and not spearted from one another. I think this poem is very power for anyone to read cause it show that we all need
to sand as on and not divided within yourself.
I use metaphors in my life everyday. I use it in the educational way i speak to my family friends and teachers.
I use metaphors the most in my English classes which show a different level of educational growth.
Metaphors are building blocks used to create different kind of conversations and different imagination to
stories that have or will take place. Metaphors in my life compare me to other things that I have never been compared
to and things that have no life or living I use metaphors in all my music and poems when I'm writing.